And You Will Call Her Aimee

Friday, November 04, 2005

Forgetting things...but not to eat

Isaac is asleep. Life is chaos for me everyday...mysterious delicious chaos. I only call it delicious now that I have silence and some time to myself. I have a million "things to do" after moving into a new house, but I find this to be a priority. This being using a blog as a creative outlet; a diary of sorts. It is not a question of how honest to be; one can be quite honest without the drama of daily life splattered across the canvas I suppose. Only I need to pick the colors with my heart, close my eyes and let paint blend where it will.

And so I begin....

I was continually forgetting simple things. I attributed this to the amount of stress in my life at the time...
Marriage - Less than blissful (let's just say the honeymoon is over!)
Moving - moved twice in less than one year.
Buying a house - Just bought our first home
Work - back to work for the first time in 6mo. (since Isaac's birth)
Motherhood - first time mommy!

I remember back in college when I had 3 part time jobs, part time classes and full time friends, I stretched myself so thin that I started sleep walking. My brother may remember me blaming him for stacking my school books and turning my alarm clock upside down over night. I finally figured out it was me doing those things!
So, I certainly know how stress effects me. But when I suddenly turned ravenously hungry almost all the time...I knew something was going on.
When I told Regan that I was forgetting things, as she watch me wolf down eggs benedict, hash browns and a bagel at one sitting, she had a knowing look in her eye.
The knowing (and a bit surprised) look James' eyes reflected mine as we both stared at the two little pink lines about one week later.

We are pregnant again!


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