Beer Baby

I had my latest prenatal last week. Nothing to report really. Everything looking okay so far; bp fine, protein level fine. The midwife gave me a birth-plan to fill out so that they know what I want. I have started to look into hiring a doula to attend to me during the birth. I haven't met her yet but have plans to do so soon.
I have started working on my meditation room. I am battling wall paper...whomever invented the stuff should be shot! James came in to help me. I asked him to let me struggle with it on my own; a huge leap of faith for me. It means I am depending on myself to actually get it done and to accept my creation. It would have been so easy to let him scrape away wall paper while I pouted on about how hard it was how it was never going to get done...and I suppose since I have now asked that he let me do it alone, it may never get done.
And then there is actually creating the room in time and not rushing to just have it done; actually letting the flow of me flow into the room and know that the pace is right. It is so difficult for my personality to have a project that I can't finish right away. And with kids it is even more difficult because I know that when I start I can't just keep going until it's done. And so my temptation is to do nothing at all that takes more than a nap time to do.
I will try to keep you posted on the room. Right now it is empty of stuff except for the computer chair that I use as much as I can (my feet hurt!). One wall is slowly giving way its ugly wall paper only to reveal even uglier wall paper. The bottom layer is not sheet's brown woody stuff that makes the uglier wall paper hell to get off. Hmm maybe I will post some pictures. Smile.