I guess I will have to tell the dentist to pull my tooth out. I asked about my x-rays from early this fall, and all checked out. I told them that my tooth was hurting me....she told me to swish with salt water and call her back in a few days if that didn't take care of things. If it is an abcessed tooth all they would do is give me antibiotics which I don't want. So I have some potent natural mouth wash which seems to be helping although I will most likely eventually have it pulled.
I have decided to deliver at Central Maine Medical Center. It is about a 3-5min drive from our house and this will make is easy if I am in the hosp for an extended stay, to get back and forth to home. I though about Mercy...a hosp in Portland but that is about an hour away. I think CMMC is good enough and I should be able to qualify for free care there assuming I can get my taxes done soon. I have almost everything put together...just James W-2 from New Mexico...sigh.
I will have my second appt at cmmc with a midwife as well as a 20wk ultrasound. I will let you know how that goes!
As for how I am feeling...I am "okay". I know from Barbara (QX Machine) that I am already toxic. I am eating lots of protein and on alot of vitamins and minerals that my body needs. There is no way to rid the toxins without harm to the baby.
So, I get tired easily and am glad for days off...tyring to balance earning money and getting rest. smile.