And You Will Call Her Aimee

Friday, June 09, 2006

Prenatal 6/9

Hello all...boy these prenatal visits are like a roller coaster ride. Today there were traces of protein in my urine and my ankles are hands and face are a bit puffy too.... My blood pressure is fine but they still want me to do lab work which in this case consists of having blood drawn and then collecting my urine in an ugly brown container for 24hrs. This would not be so bad except that it has to be kept refridgerated. We want to go to a friends summer party tmrw and I can just see it now, "Excuse me, do you mind if I keep my PEE in your fridge while I'm here?" Not quite the pot-luck dish they had anticipated!!
But seriously, these could be signs of preeclampsia. This is discouraging to me. I am technically full term now (37wks and 1 day) so if I birth "early" because of preeclampisa at least I will not have a preemie on my hands. What this could mean is that they may not let me try for a VBAC.

My work at the high school is done and I have one more freelance job tonight (a graduation...ugh) and then I am done working for the summer. If I get called for some last minute stuff I may take it...the money is always useful. I have to decide by June 23rd if I will go back to work at the high school come september. Only 2mo at home with the new baby? Ugh...I want more!!! We'll see. I do have some other options I just need to figure out what the best one is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Kirsta,
I hope that you are feeling well, you have made it past 37 weeks and that is wonderful! I have a yoga instructor friend who was pretty dead set on having a natural, pain med free vaginal delivery, well, after being induced and laboring for many hours, she had a cesaerean, much to her chagrin, however, she said that the nurse who taught her prenatal class gave her the best piece of advice: Remember, you are not going in to have a birthing experience, you are going in to have a baby...I thought that was a great way to think of it and was very comforted and calmed by hearing it before Matthew was born, take care and we are thinking of you and your family, love, Allana

10:09 PM  
Blogger Keri said...

Testing 1, 2, 3...checking to see if this comment feature works. ;)

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... bags are packed,
I'm ready to go...

Okay, Little Love to Be...just tell me when!

Love, GraMAE

6:57 AM  

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