And You Will Call Her Aimee

Friday, May 26, 2006

5/26 Prenatal

Isaac is happily pulling pots and pans out of the kitchen cabinets so I have a bit of time to update you on my latest prenatal which was this morning.

The doula was supposed to come with me but she had a client go into labor. So I went by myself. I met with the nurse practioner because my midwife was also attending a labor... I had a group b strep culture done and will find out about that sometime. If I test positive for strep (yes, "down there") then they will force me to have antibiotics, through the IV that they will force me to have as soon as I am admited to labor and delivery, so that the baby has less chance of getting the infection.

My blood pressure was fine and there was no protein "dumped" into my urine this time. I am very greatful for this since the last two appointments there was protein detected. I have gained 6lbs. I don't feel this is a worry since I hadn't gain any at the last two appointments.

I was measured at almost 39wks. I am only 35wks. You are typically supposed to measure the same number of centimeters as you are weeks along. So they have scheduled an ultra sound for next Friday at 3pm (after my next prenatal; I am weekly now) to see if the extra centimeters are due to amniotic fluid, or big baby (I know my dates are right). I do hope it is the former and not the latter. Big baby will decrease my chances to have a vaginal birth.

So that's it in a nut shell. I still have alot that I want to get done. The going feels painfully slow. Not only do we have Isaac to conscider but I feel as though I am going at a turtle's pace in just about everything I do. Pray I will have everything done that really is necessary. Sometimes my have-to-do-list has it's-alright-if-it-doesn't-get-done items on it and I have a difficult time discerning the difference. Smile.

Isaac is now biting my ankles...I think he wants my attention :)
James is off playing with his little friends at a birthday party. You know what that means...sigh

Friday, May 12, 2006

5/11/06 Prenatal

First I will tell you about the interview we had with the doula Lindsay Johnston. She is young (can't be too much older than me if she is) and reminds me of the doula we had in New Mexico. I like her. She would go with me to the hospital and be a 24/7 support for me. She would be able to help me stay present with the process of laboring and be my "voice" with the midwives/nurses/doctors in the hospital. We plan to have more visits and get to know her even better. She would be the one "sure thing" in the whole process; we don't know which midwife we will have or which nurses or which doctors. We would pay Lindsay for her services (we could have free doula services through the YWCA, I have heard, from doulas in training. But I chose to go this route. I am working on becoming a part of Maine Time Dollars. My first attempt didn't work out. I sent an application to the Lewiston chapter which seems to be no more. I have heard nothing these months and done nothing about it since we decided not to use a midwife for a home birth and use MaineCare insurance in the hospital instead. But now that we want to hire Lindsay I am looking into getting involved again. ( look it up if you want to know more. Seems to be a great program! )

That interview was Tuesday. My prenatal was yesterday (Thursday). I have gained no weight in the last two weeks. I am still "dumping" protein (There is more protein in my urine sample than there should be) but my bp was great 118/72 so the midwife did not ask me to do all the lab work that I did after my last prenatal (see previous post). Also the results from the lab work (urine test and blood work) came back fine; another reason that she was not worried.
She measured my belly, 35cm. I am 33wks. Hard to imagine that I was having Isaac about now! And baby's heart beat was good. Now I have to call and make an appointment to fill out paper work with the anesthesia dept (just in case).

I have turned over setting up interpreters to James.

And also yesterday I had an appt with a woman named Robin who does Pele Rising body work. Speaking of work...I have to head out the door for work now so I will try to add something about this appt later.

Monday, May 01, 2006

4/27/06 Prenatal

They say no news is god news. that was definitely the case this time. I just called the midwive's office and found that everything was normal from my lab work. When I had gone to my prenatal last thursday they found some extra protein in my urine and the doctor ordered a 24 urine test and some blood work. I heard nothing over the weekend and assumed that was a good thing. Sure enough! The protein must have come from a source other than my liver dumping it. All clear for now!!!!

Also at that last appointment (the first time I have seen a doctor during this pregnancy) I had a VBAC consultation. (Thats vaginal birth after cesarean) Basically I have to decide if I want to schedule a c-section or try a vaginal birth and fac a higher risk uterine rupture due to the previous c-section. And if you think uterine rupture sounds like a bad is! Can lead to lots of bleeding and death. Yippe skippee!

Hmmm let's see...Isaac has been sick but seems to be quickly on the mend. And Journey is back after deciding to take a 4 day vaccation somewhere in Lewiston. Little bugger won't tell us where he's been. He seems happy to be home but still sits at the door waiting to be let out. Damn I wish I hadn't declawed him! Hind site is 20/20.

Okay that is 2 cliches in one posting...definitely time to sign off and change Isaac's diaper!


PS Yes mom! I will take a picture of my belly soon and maybe even post it!!