And You Will Call Her Aimee

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ultrasound 6/16

Had the ultrasound today. Seems the little one is 8.5lbs give or take 1.5lbs either way. But my amniotic fluid is low...not an emergency. Need to drink more water (lots more) and have another ultrasound in 10 days if I have not had the baby by then. If that ultrasound shows low fluid...they will induce. That's what the nurse said, but I know better. This hospital will not induce me since I had a prior c-section. If it is still low....c-section. Come on Little Love...come on out!
Oh and I have to do movement counts twice a day. Make sure there are at least 5 in an hour.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Prenatal 6/15

The roller coaster continues!! Smile. The very good news is that I do not show signs of preeclampsia. This is very good because if I did they would take the baby c-section, no question. They will not induce someone who has had a prior c-section. The risk of uterine rupture is too great. This is controversial, i.e. some hospitals will induce someone with a prior c-section but the one I am going to will not. Fine with me. Induced labor sucks. So does a c-section but I also feel there is less risk to me and the baby having a baby rather than being induced. This is a mute point for now. I have signs to watch/feel for in case preeclampsia creeps up.

My BP is fine and there was no protien in my urine today. I was measuring big still so I will have an ultra sound tmrw at 2pm. My "regular" midwife measured me today (after 3 different people measured me at the last 3 prenatal appointments) and I was measuring big (by 3cm). I am 38wks and measuring about 41. So I will go ahead with the ultra sound. If the baby is estimated to be over 10lbs (I highly doubt this is the case) then we will discuss c-section. So this is what they are checking for.

In the mean time, I realized that much of my discomfort (pelvic/hip area) and soreness is because I have been holding a lot of tension in my body. Even my jaws were sore this morning! I am practicing truly relaxing my body and letting emotion surface as it will. I think I was trying to hold the baby in until after I was done with work. Well, I am done with work and still tense...must be some fears surfacing. Good for them to surface now rather than in the middle of labor. Smile.

It is supposed to be hot this weekend. I am going to visit with some women-friends tmrw and we may go up to the in-laws for a bbq on Sunday for Father's day. I wish our car was air conditioned!!!

Isaac is napping and so I will lay down too. I have a good book on vaccinations that I want to read up on.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Prenatal 6/9

Hello all...boy these prenatal visits are like a roller coaster ride. Today there were traces of protein in my urine and my ankles are hands and face are a bit puffy too.... My blood pressure is fine but they still want me to do lab work which in this case consists of having blood drawn and then collecting my urine in an ugly brown container for 24hrs. This would not be so bad except that it has to be kept refridgerated. We want to go to a friends summer party tmrw and I can just see it now, "Excuse me, do you mind if I keep my PEE in your fridge while I'm here?" Not quite the pot-luck dish they had anticipated!!
But seriously, these could be signs of preeclampsia. This is discouraging to me. I am technically full term now (37wks and 1 day) so if I birth "early" because of preeclampisa at least I will not have a preemie on my hands. What this could mean is that they may not let me try for a VBAC.

My work at the high school is done and I have one more freelance job tonight (a graduation...ugh) and then I am done working for the summer. If I get called for some last minute stuff I may take it...the money is always useful. I have to decide by June 23rd if I will go back to work at the high school come september. Only 2mo at home with the new baby? Ugh...I want more!!! We'll see. I do have some other options I just need to figure out what the best one is.

Friday, June 02, 2006

6/2 Prenatal

I measured right on at 36wks today. This was the third person in a row to measure me and so I believe the differences in measurements were due to this fact. I asked the midwife that I saw to today (not my regular midwife) if I needed the ultrasound after all. She said it was up to me but that she didn't feel it was really necessary. I asked her what they would do if I had it done and they found an excess of amniotic fluid. "Nothing", she smiled. So I asked what they would do if the ultrasound showed the baby to be "big". "Nothing", she smiled again. So with a puzzled look on my face (and she knew this question was coming) I asked her why have an ultrasound at all! She laughed. She said that if I had one done and there was more than usual fluid then she would look to see if my diabetes test was borderline and go from there but that I was not a condidate for induction and it wouldn't make much difference at this point. She said that if I were to go into labor tomorrow that they would let me do my thing and not try to stop it. I was very relieved to hear that!!! I feel that we have made it over a milestone.

On the downer side of things, my car is very sick and I will not be making heroic financial efforts to save her...we are looking at needing a new car. James' car is finally up and took a lot of doing I must say but it is running for the time being. We will be sharing that car instead of mine for a while. I guess we don't need a new car right away. WE have time to let the Universe work its magic. I am thinking mini van at this point. Wow...makes me feel old, ha!